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Table 2 Summary of developmental effects from in vivo models (7 studies)

From: Air pollution and children’s health—a review of adverse effects associated with prenatal exposure from fine to ultrafine particulate matter


Animal model

PM source




Offspring effects

Tsukue et al. [101]

C57BL/6J mice

Diesel exhaust

0.3, 1.0, or 3.0 mg DEP/m3


4 months pre-mating exposure (12 h/day 7 days/week)

Decreased BW in both sexes; AGD lengths shorter; organ weights less, and vaginal orifices of young females opened significantly earlier (exposed to 0.3 and 1.0 mg DEP/m3)

Hougaard et al. [81]

C57BL/6J mice

Diesel exhaust particles

~19 mg/m3


GD9–GD19 (1 h/day)

Decreased weight gain during lactation; cognitive function and biomarkers were generally similar across offspring

Gorr et al. [64]

FVB mice


51.69 μg/m3


Gestation/nursing (6 h/day, 7 days/week in utero until weaning at 3 weeks of age)

Reduced birth weight; at adulthood: reduced left ventricular fractional shortening; reduced ejection fraction; increased end-systolic volume; and reduced dP/dt maximum and minimum; alerted cardiomyocytes profiles; increased collagen deposition

Liu et al. [89]

Sprague Dawley rats


15 mg/kg


GD10 and GD18

Increased absorbed blastocysts; lower maternal weight gain and fetal weight; significant increase of blood mono- nuclear cells, platelets, and IL-6; placenta pathological examination demonstrated thrombus and chorioamnionitis

Chen et al. [66]

C57BL/6J mice

Diesel exhaust particles

8.6 μg/mouse (~160 μg/m3)


3 times/week (M/W/F) beginning at 5 weeks and ending at weaning. (as mating started at 12 weeks, there was approximately a 7-week preconceptional instillation)

No impact to birth weight, however exposure significantly decreased offspring body weight from postnatal week 2 until the end of observation; decreased food intake but no alteration in brown adipose tissue

Chen et al. [87]

C57BL/6J mice

Concentrated ambient particles, PM2.5

88.66 μg/m3


Preconception, pregnancy, and lactation (6 h/day, 5 days/week; no exposure took place during weekends or the day of birth)

Significantly decreased offspring birth weight, but increased body weight of adult male; adult males had increased food intake, but were sensitive to exogenous leptin

Wu et al. [69]

Sprague Dawley rats

Ultrafine PM, ammonium sulfate

100 to 200 μg/m3


Throughout gestation (until GD0-18)

Impacts to prenatal and postnatal organogenesis in offspring; increased stillbirths; reduced gestation length and birth weight; increased concentrations of glucose and free fatty acids in plasma; enhanced lipid accumulation in the liver; decreased endothelium-dependent relaxation of aorta

  1. BW birth weight, AGD anogenital distance, GD gestation day