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Table 1 Summary of published studies providing data on abundance, size range, and qualitative and quantitative methods of micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) from 2016 to 2020

From: Health impacts of environmental contamination of micro- and nanoplastics: a review




Size range


Lake Winnipeg, Canada


193,420 ± 115,567 particles/km2

< 5 mm


 Qualitative method: dissecting microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX)

 Quantitative method: The package “ggmap” and “ggplot2”

The Hanjiang River and Yangtze River of Wuhan, China


1660.0 ± 639.1 to 8925 ± 1591 n/m3

50 μm to 5 mm


 Qualitative method: stereoscopic microscope, SEM, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

 Quantitative method: microscope counting

Drinking bottled waters, Germany


193 ± 162 particles/l

1 to 500 μm


 Qualitative method: micro-Raman spectroscopy

 Quantitative method: micro-Raman spectroscopy with binary computer

Drinking water treatment plants, The Czech Republic


1473 ± 34 to 3605 ± 497 particles/l in raw water, 338 ± 76 to 628 ± 28 particles/l in treated water

1 to 10 μm


 Qualitative method: FTIR spectrometer Nicolet 6700, Raman spectroscopy, SEM-EDX

 Quantitative method: VEGA high-resolution SEM

All steps of drinking water purification, transportation, and supply in drinking water treatment plants (DWTP)


0 to 7 microplastics/m-3 (raw water), 0.7 microplastics/m-3 (drinking water)

50 to 150 μm


 Qualitative method: micro-FTIR

 Quantitative method: micro-FTIR

Tyre wear and tear simulator

Tyre wear and tear particles

0.81 kg/year per capita

10 nm to 100 μm

[53, 54]

 Qualitative method: particle size analyzer, SEM-EDX, TLM, transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

 Quantitative method: the tyre number weight loss method, the emission factor per vehicle-km approach

The Changjiang Estuary, China


121 ± 9 items/kg of dry weight

1174.5 ± 41.8 μm


 Qualitative method: micro-FTIR

 Quantitative method: micro-FTIR

Rivers and tidal flat in Shanghai urban districts, China


802 ± 594 items/kg of dry weight

100 μm to 5 mm


 Qualitative method: microscopic observations, micro-FTIR

 Quantitative method: weighing method

The coastline of Tamil Nadu, India


46.6 ± 37.2/m2

0.3 to 4.75 mm


 Qualitative method: NIKON stereoscopic microscope fitted with a digital camera, Perkin Elmer, attenuated total reflectance (ATR) FTIR (ATR-FTIR)

 Quantitative method: FTIR

Charleston Harbor, USA.


6.6 ± 1.3 particles/l

> 63 μm


 Qualitative method: ATR-FTIR, dissecting microscope

 Quantitative method: FTIR

Winyah Bay, USA.


30.8 ± 12.1 particles/l

> 63 μm


 Qualitative method: ATR-FTIR, dissecting microscope

 Quantitative method: FTIR

Spanish table salt


50–280 MPs/kg salt

30 μm to 3.5 mm


 Qualitative method: stereo microscopy, FTIR

 Quantitative method: FTIR

Table salts for sale, China

Sea salts, lake salts, and rock/well salts

550–681 particles/kg (sea salts), 43–364 particles/kg (lake salts), and 7–204 particles/kg (rock/well salts)

< 200 μm


 Qualitative method: Carl Zeiss Discovery V8 stereomicroscope, micro-FTIR

 Quantitative Method: microscopic observation, micro-FTIR

The Fram Strait, the Barents Sea slope and the Central Arctic

Sea ice

11.7 ± 7.6 N/m3

< 50 μm


 Qualitative method: a Hyperion 3000 microscope (Bruker Optics) attached to a Tensor 27 (Bruker Optics) spectrometer, imaging FTIR

 Quantitative method: focal plane array (FPA) FTIR microscopy and image analysis

Southeastern National Park Service (NPS) units, USA


43 to 443 pieces/kg sand

~20 μm in width and varied highly (0.1 to 11 cm) in length


 Qualitative method: FTIR

 Quantitative method: microplastic quantification (AM3011 digital microscope)



Not mentioned

1–5 mm


 Qualitative method: ATR-FTIR

 Quantitative method: precisely measuring the size of the single particles and calculating their weight using an empirical relationship between particle size and weight

The central district of Tehran, Iran

Deposited urban dust

Adults: 1063 particles/year; Children: 3223 particles/year

250 to 500 μm


 Qualitative method: SEM, EDX detector

 Quantitative method: binocular microscope

The North Atlantic subtropical gyre


Several populations (13–501 plastic debris per m3)

1 to 1000 nm


 Qualitative method: dynamic light scattering (DLS) experiments, FTIR, pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, microscope imaging

 Quantitative method: principal component analysis (PCA)