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Table 3 Summary of outcomes measures on psychological response of the included studies

From: Effects of forest bathing on pre-hypertensive and hypertensive adults: a review of the literature


Change in mood states

Change in quality of life (QoL)/anxiety level measures

Types of forest interventions: forest walking

 Feng et al., 2017 [41]; hypertensive middle-aged men



 Lee and Lee, 2014 [33]; pre-hypertensive elderly women



 Li et al., 2016 [34]; hypertensive middle-aged men

POMS scores indicated a significant increase in positive feelings (vigor) and a significant decrease in negative feelings (tension, anxiety, depression, confusion, fatigue) after forest walking.

POMS scores indicated a significant decrease in positive feelings (vigor) and a significant increase in negative feelings of fatigue after urban walking.


 Mao et al., 2012 [23]; hypertensive elderly people

POMS scores indicated a significant increase in positive feelings (vigor) and significant decrease in negative feelings (anxiety, depression, confusion, fatigue, anger) after forest walking compared with the baseline.

POMS scores indicated a significant decrease in positive feelings (vigor) and no significant increase in negative subscales after urban walking.


 Song et al., 2015 [36];hypertensive middle-aged men

POMS scores were significantly higher for positive feelings (vigor) and significantly lower for negative feelings (anxiety, depression, confusion, fatigue, anger) after forest walking than after urban walking.

SDM score: Participants felt more “comfortable,” “relaxed,” and “natural” when they walked in a forest area than in an urban area.


 Yu et al., 2017 [45]; pre-hypertensive middle-aged adults and elderly people

POMS score: There was a significant increase in positive feelings (vigor) and a significant decrease in negative feelings (tension anxiety, fatigue, anger, depression, confusion) after forest therapy.

STAI was taken before and after the intervention

STAI: State anxiety subscale

A decrease in score of 2% represented a significant improvement in anxiety levels

 Zhou et al., 2017 [46]; hypertensive middle-aged men



Types of forest interventions: sitting and viewing of landscapes in a forest

 Song el at., 2017a [35]; hypertensive middle-aged men

SDM: Viewing in a forest area felt more comfortable, relaxed, and natural than in an urban area


Types of forest interventions: forest walking and viewing of landscape in a forest

 Lanki et al., 2017 [22]; pre-hypertensive middle-aged women



 Horiuchi et al., 2015 [32]; hypertensive middle-aged and elderly people

POMS score: There was a significant increase in positive feelings (Vigour) and a significant decrease in negative feelings (tension anxiety, fatigue, anger, depression, confusion) after forest therapy.

There were no significant differences between the groups in the pre-forest-walking values of the subscales of the POMS, with the exception of A-H.

Forest walking significantly improved the subscales of the POMS in both groups with no statistical differences between the two groups.


Types of forest interventions: forest therapy program

 Ochiai et al., 2015b [42]; hypertensive middle-aged women (n = 6)

SD score: felt more comfortable, relaxed, and natural after forest therapy.

POMS score: a significant increase in positive feelings (vigor) and a significant decrease in negative feelings (tension, anxiety, and fatigue) after forest therapy.


 Ochiai et al., 2015a [24]; Pre-hypertensive middle-aged men

SD score: felt more comfortable, relaxed, and natural after forest therapy.

POMS score: a significant increase in positive feelings (vigor) and a significant decrease in negative feelings (tension anxiety, confusion, anger, fatigue, and total mood disturbance) after forest therapy.


 Song et al., 2017b [43]; pre-hypertensive middle-aged adults; HT: n = 9, non-HT: n = 17



 Sung et al., 2012 [44]; hypertensive elderly people


Quality of life (QoL) scores were obtained at initial visits and at 8-week final visits.

MOS SF-36: I, total score increased by 42 compared with the baseline; score increased in PD, MD, HTN by 9, 16, 18, respectively but remained unchanged in SD and GH; C, no change

  1. LDL low-density lipoprotein; HDL high-density lipoprotein; RLP remnant-like particles; DHEA-S the serum level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate; hs-CRP the serum level of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; SD the modified semantic differential; POMS the Profile of Mood state; HF high-frequency; LF low-frequency, GH general health; PD physical dimensions; MD mental dimension; SD social dimension; HTN hypertension-related dimension