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Table 1 Focus group interview guide

From: Quality of dying and death desired by residents of Kagawa Prefecture, Japan: a qualitative study

(1) About one’s experience of a familiar person’s death

Have you experienced loss of a family member or another familiar person in the past?

Did you take care of those who died?

Please tell us in detail about your impressions of the end-of-life care in these cases.

Have you had had trouble or difficulty in end-of-life care?

On the contrary, was there something good or happy that happened?

(2) Your thoughts about “desirable death”

What do you want to achieve by the time you die?

What does a close family member or friend want to happen when death is near?

What conditions would make a desirable death?

What are your thoughts with respect to satisfaction and self-determination of medical care?

What do you think about the cause of death and whether the family feels it was a convincing death?