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Table 1 Focus group discussion steps

From: Perspectives of adolescents, parents, and teachers on barriers and facilitators of physical activity among school-age adolescents: a qualitative analysis





Step 1: Introduction

After the moderator and observer introduced themselves, the moderator stated the study objective and clarified anonymity, and some consigns to conduct discussion. Permission to record the interview was also obtained. Finally, PA was defined in detail.

Step 2: Opening question

AQ1: Each of you describe your PA and then tell us how much time you should devote to PA each day to stay healthy?

PQ1: Please, can you tell us how much time your children can devote to PA each day to stay healthy?

TQ1: Please, what can you tell us about the PA level of adolescents today?

Step 3: Open-ended questions to identify barriers and facilitators of adolescent PA

AQ2: Please tell us the factors that help you to do PA? Give any factors, regardless of their nature.

AQ3: Please tell us the factors that impede you to do PA? Give any factors that exist, regardless of their nature.

PQ2: Please tell us the factors that help your children engage in PA? Give any factors that seem relevant.

PQ3: Please tell us the factors that prevent your children from engaging in PA? Here too, please tell us any factors, regardless of their nature.

TQ2: Please, what are the barriers to PA among adolescents? Give any factors that seem relevant.

TQ3: How do you evaluate the role that the school plays in adolescent PA?