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Table 1 Changes over time in subjects’ backgrounds

From: Ultrasound cardiography examinations detect victims’ long-term realized and potential consequences after major disasters: a case-control study


18th month after the disaster

30th month after the disaster

44th month after the disaster

55th month after the disaster


p value

n = 207

n = 125

n = 121

n = 106

n = 559

Age (years)

70.2 ± 9.9

71.4 ± 9.9

71.2 ± 7.6

66.8 ± 13.2

70.0 ± 10.3

< 0.01 cef

Gender (male/female)







Blood pressure

 SBP (mmHg)

138.7 ± 18.4

135.4 ± 18.2

139.1 ± 18.3

136.9 ± 18.9

137.7 ± 18.4


 DBP (mmHg)

82.8 ± 12.3

78.8 ± 11.7

81.5 ± 12.4

80.3 ± 12.8

81.1 ± 12.3

< 0.05a

 PP (mmHg)

55.8 ± 14.1

56.5 ± 16.1

57.5 ± 15.0

56.6 ± 16.3

56.5 ± 15.2



101.4 ± 13.0

97.7 ± 12.0

100.7 ± 12.8

99.2 ± 13.1

100.0 ± 12.8


Subjects with UCG findings, n (%)

87 (42.0)

76 (60.8)

88 (72.7)

78 (73.6)

329 (58.8)

< 0.0001abc


 Exercises, n (%)

121 (58.4)

81 (64.8)

82 (67.7)

55 (51.8)

339 (60.6)


 Smoker, n (%)

16 (7.7)

11 (8.8)

10 (8.2)

11 (10.3)

48 (8.0)


Underlying disease

 DL, n (%)

68 (32.8)

65 (52.0)

63 (52.0)

48 (45.2)

244 (43.6)

< 0.001ab

 DM, n (%)

23 (11.1)

21 (16.8)

19 (15.7)

17 (16.0)

80 (14.3)


 Heart disease, n (%)

54 (25.9)

37 (29.6)

38 (31.4)

29 (27.3)

158 (28.2)


 HT, n (%)

111 (53.6)

72 (57.6)

70 (57.8)

47 (44.3)

300 (53.6)


 Insomnia, n (%)

106 (51.2)

66 (52.8)

46 (38.0)

47 (44.3)

265 (47.4)


Living environment

 Temporary housing resident, n (%)

199 (96.1)

114 (91.2)

50 (41.3)

23 (21.7)

386 (69.0)

< 0.0001bcdef

  1. Mean ± standard deviation. Nominal variables are shown as frequency (%). Fisher’s exact test (Bonferroni) and ANOVA (Bonferroni). Heart disease (coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, valve regurgitation). In our investigation which we conducted four times, we examined 922 victims who were residents of the temporary housing complexes and neighboring area in Watari-gun, Miyagi Prefecture. Of these subjects, we excluded 55 for whom we found inadequacies in the medical questionnaire form, as well as 308 re-examinees. Also, the subjects for each year were limited only to new examinees. The final number of subjects was 559
  2. ns non-significant difference. SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, PP pulse pressure, MBP mean blood pressure, UCG ultrasound cardiography, DL dyslipidemia, DM diabetes mellitus, HT hypertension
  3. a18th month after the disaster vs. 30th month after the disaster b18th month after the disaster vs. 44th month after the disaster. c18th month after the disaster vs. 55th month after the disaster. d30th month after the disaster vs. 44th month after the disaster. e30th month after the disaster vs. 55th month after the disaster. f44th month after the disaster vs. 55th month after the disaster