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Table 6 Eliminated ABTS in hepatic tissue and serum of rats treated with C. nudiflora at various doses

From: The potential protective effect of Commelina nudiflora L. against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatotoxicity in rats, mediated by suppression of oxidative stress and inflammation


Eliminated tissue ABTS (%)

Eliminated serum ABTS (%)

Saline control

82.07 ± 1.58

87.34 ± 1.06

CCl4 (1 ml/kg b.wt.)

63.86 ± 6.58#

79.22 ± 1.33#

C. nudiflora (150 mg/kg b.wt.) + CCl4

72.03 ± 6.31*

82.92 ± 0.80*

C. nudiflora (300 mg/kg b.wt.) + CCl4

75.79 ± 5.99*

84.03 ± 0.26*

C. nudiflora (450 mg/kg b.wt.) + CCl4

77.77 ± 3.13*

85.02 ± 1.07*

C. nudiflora (450 mg/kg b.wt.)

82.34 ± 1.32*

86.95 ± 2.80*

  1. Each value represents the mean ± S.E. of six animals
  2. #Significant at p < 0.05 compared to the control group; *significant at p < 0.05 compared to the CCl4-treated group