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Table 1 Overview of the difference in function between progressive lenses and office lenses

From: The impact of different lenses on visual and musculoskeletal complaints in VDU workers with work-related neck complaints: a randomized controlled trial


Progressive lens

ZEISS Officelens

Depth of field

Unlimited depth of field, clear vision at every viewing distance

Clear vision at near and intermediate viewing distance

Intermediate and near zone

Small intermediate and near zone to offer large distance zone for uninterrupted far vision and dynamic vision

Large near and intermediate zones

Gaze stabilisation

Gaze stabilization may take longer due to difficulties finding the areas of optimal focus

Superior balance of optics because lens design has a larger available lens area - no distance zone necessary

Viewing distance

Unlimited maximum viewing distance > 6 m

Limited viewing distance to 1 m, 2 m or 4 m

Addition power

Full change in addition power needed

No full change in addition power needed