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Table 1 Concrete examples of the categorizing of sexual behaviours in the Brook version of the TLT for each age group by traffic light code

From: Designing a safeguarding tool for Japanese professionals to identify, understand and respond to adolescent sexual behaviours


Green behaviours

Amber behaviours

Red behaviours


They reflect safe and healthy sexual development. They provide an opportunity to positively reinforce appropriate behaviour and provide further information and support

They have the potential to be outside of safe and healthy development. They signal the need to take notice and gather information to consider action

They are outside of safe and healthy behaviour. Red behaviours indicate a need for immediate intervention or action, though it is important to consider actions carefully

Age 0–5

Holding or playing with own genitals; attempting to touch or curiosity about other children’s genitals; enjoying nakedness

Pulling other children’s pants down/skirts up against their will; preoccupation with adult sexual behaviour

Persistently touching the genitals of other children; simulation of sexual activity in play; forcing other children to engage in sexual play

Age 5–9

Curiosity about sex and relationships; sense of privacy about bodies; curiosity about differences between boys and girls

Questions about sexual behaviour which persist or are repeated frequently despite answers having been given; engaging in mutual masturbation

Simulation of oral or penetrative sex; frequent masturbation in front of others; sexual behaviour engaging significantly younger or less-able children

Age 9–13

Solitary masturbation; need for privacy; consensual kissing, hugging, holding hands with peers

Viewing pornographic material; worrying about being pregnant or having STIs; giving out contact details online

Sexual activity e.g., oral sex or intercourse; evidence of pregnancy; sexually explicitly talk with younger children

Age 13–17

Use of internet/e-media to chat on-line; having sexual or non-sexual relationships; interest in erotica/pornography

Concern about body image; taking or sending naked or sexually provocative images of self or others

Attempting/forcing others to expose genitals; non-consensual sexual activity; receipt of gift or money in exchange for goods