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Table 3 Mean scores of Mood Inventory subcomponents according to quartiles of hours of mobile phone use in five weekdays

From: Association between mobile phone use and depressed mood in Japanese adolescents: a cross-sectional study

Mood Inventory subcomponents

Hours of mobile phone use in five weekdays

P for trenda

P valuesb (ANCOVA)

Bonferroni’s multiple comparison (P < 0.05)

Quartile 1: <6 h/5 days

Quartile 2: 6–10 h/5 days

Quartile 3: 11–20 h/5 days

Quartile 4: ≥21 h/5 days

Tension and excitement

13.8 (4.1)

14.0 (3.9)

14.0 (3.9)

14.7 (4.0)



Quartile 1 vs. quartile 4

Refreshing mood

13.9 (2.8)

13.9 (2.9)

13.9 (2.7)

14.0 (2.8)




15.4 (3.9)

16.0 (3.8)

16.0 (3.8)

16.5 (3.9)



Quartile 1 vs. quartile 2; quartile 1 vs. quartile 4

Depressed mood

15.3 (5.1)

15.7 (5.1)

15.5 (4.7)

16.4 (5.0)



Quartile 1 vs. quartile 4; quartile 3 vs. quartile 4

Anxious mood

17.4 (5.1)

17.7 (4.9)

17.6 (4.9)

18.0 (4.5)



  1. Data are presented as the mean with the SD in parenthesis
  2. aTested by multiple regression analysis, adjusted for sex, school year, participation in sports club activities, mobile phone use experience, hours spent sleeping, and schools
  3. bTested by analysis of covariance, adjusted for sex, school year, participation in sports club activities, mobile phone use experience, hours spent sleeping, and schools