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Table 2 Antenatal and postnatal maternal depression and infant development

From: Association between maternal antenatal depression and infant development: a hospital-based prospective cohort study

Maternal depression/infant development

Median (IQR), n (%)

Maternal depression

 Antenatal EPDSa


  Total score

1 (0–3)


145 (94.2)


9 (5.8)

 Postnatal EPDSb


  Total score

3 (1–6)


133 (86.4)


21 (13.6)

 Infant developmentc

  BSID-II mental development index (MDI)

90 (88–94)

  BSID-II psychomotor development index (PDI)

88 (82–97)

  1. BSID-II Bayley Scales of Infant Development II, EPDS Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
  2. aMaternal depression between the second and the third trimesters (23–35 gestational weeks)
  3. bMaternal depression after delivery (1–4 months)
  4. cInfant development at 6 months (from 5 months and 16 days to 6 months and 15 days after birth)