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Table 1 Cardiovascular health metrics and status according to the American Heart Association

From: Living alone and cardiovascular health status in residents of a rural village of coastal Ecuador (The Atahualpa Project)

Cardiovascular health metrics

 1. Smoking: ideal (never or quit > 1 year), intermediate (quit ≤ 1 year) and poor (current smoker).

 2. Body mass index: ideal (<25 kg/m2), intermediate (25 to <30 kg/m2) and poor (≥30 kg/m2).

 3. Physical activity: ideal (≥150 min/week moderate intensity or ≥75 min/week vigorous intensity or equivalent combination), intermediate (1–149 min/week moderate intensity or 1–74 min/week vigorous intensity or equivalent combination) and poor (no moderate and vigorous activity).

 4. Diet: ideal (4–5 healthy components), intermediate (2–3 healthy components) and poor (0–1 healthy component); based on 5 health dietary components (≥4.5 cups fruits and vegetables/day, ≥two 3.5-oz servings fish/week, ≥three 1-oz equivalent servings fiber-rich whole grains/day, <1,500 mg sodium/day, and ≤450 kcal sugar-sweetened beverages/week).

 5. Total cholesterol: ideal (untreated and <200 mg/dL), intermediate (treated to <200 mg/dL or 200–239 mg/dL) and poor (≥240 mg/dL).

 6. Blood pressure: ideal (untreated and <120/<80 mmHg), intermediate (treated to <120/<80 mmHg or 120–139/80–89 mmHg) and poor (≥140/90 mmHg).

 7. Fasting glucose: ideal (untreated and <100 mg/dL), intermediate (treated to <100 mg/dL or 100–125/mg/dL) and poor (≥126 mg/dL).

Cardiovascular health status

 1. Ideal CVH status: All seven CVH metrics in the ideal range.

 2. Intermediate CVH status: At least one CVH metric in the intermediate range, but no poor metrics.

 3. Poor CVH status: At least one CVH metric in the poor range.