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Table 2 Comparisons of activities of daily living in patients with and without AD

From: Decreased activity of daily living produced by the combination of Alzheimer’s disease and lower limb fracture in elderly requiring nursing care


Number (proportion of women, %)

Age (years; mean ± SD)

Activities of daily living (age- and sex-adjusted score; mean ± SD)

Bed mobility

Transfer and locomotion

Cognitive function (orientation)

Cognitive function (communication)

Cognitive function (mental activity)

Eating (dysphagia)

Eating (feeding)

Toilet use



3849 (67)

82.5 ± 9.56

3.76 ± 1.30

2.41 ± 0.87

3.92 ± 1.18

3.83 ± 1.24

3.86 ± 1.18

4.28 ± 1.12

4.36 ± 1.05

3.77 ± 1.24

3.10 ± 0.81


491 (82)

85.3 ± 7.07

3.78 ± 1.35

2.44 ± 0.91

2.77 ± 1.17

2.85 ± 1.26

2.84 ± 1.24

4.07 ± 1.13

4.09 ± 1.06

3.46 ± 1.26

3.03 ± 0.84











  1. ANCOVA was used to detect significant difference in the score in elderly with AD compared with the corresponding one in elderly without AD after adjustment for age and sex, *** p < 0.05. In the analysis of the difference in age and proportion between sexes, Student’s t test and χ 2 test were used, respectively; *** p < 0.001