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Table 3 Relationship between chronic kidney disease and frequency of drinking alcohol

From: Association between frequency of drinking alcohol and chronic kidney disease in men


Nondrinkers (n = 2161)

1–2 days/week (n = 1030)

3–4 days/week (n = 997)

5–6 days/week (n = 1187)

Everyday drinkers (n = 3821)

n (%) with chronic kidney disease

332 (15.4)

126 (12.2)

119 (11.9)

154 (13.0)

361 (9.4)

Unadjusted OR (95% CI)


0.77 (0.62–0.96)

0.75 (0.60–0.93)

0.82 (0.67–1.01)

0.58 (0.49–0.67)

Adjusted OR (95% CI)


0.76 (0.60–0.95)

0.74 (0.59–0.93)

0.79 (0.64–0.97)

0.60 (0.51–0.71)

  1. Adjusted for age, body mass index (BMI), hypertension, diabetes, hyper-LDL-cholesterolemia, smoking, and physical activity
  2. OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval