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Table 1 Smallpox vaccination programs

From: Countermeasures and vaccination against terrorism using smallpox: pre-event and post-event smallpox vaccination and its contraindications

Pre-exposure vaccination

 1. Selective pre-exposure vaccination:

Vaccination of high-risk subpopulations before the known release of the smallpox virus or the occurrence of any smallpox cases

 2. Mass pre-exposure vaccination

Vaccinating an entire population before the occurrence of any smallpox cases or other known release of smallpox virus

Post-exposure vaccination

 1. Containment vaccination

Vaccination of contacts of known smallpox cases, accompanied by vaccination of their potential contacts in anticipation of the original contact’s becoming ill. This might include vaccination of all persons in a specific geographic area, also referred to as a “ring vaccination”

 2. Mass post-release vaccination

Vaccinating an entire population after the occurrence of a smallpox case or other documented release of smallpox virus