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Table 2 Prospective actions for smallpox vaccination

From: The public acceptance of smallpox vaccination to fight bioterrorism in Japan: results of a large-scale opinion survey in Japan

Prospective actions

n (%)

 Action 1: Desire a vaccination as soon as possible

475 (28.4)3

 Action 2: Decide for myself after collecting and examining information

196 (11.7)

 Action 3: Decide for myself after consulting with trusted physician

283 (16.9)

 Action 4: Obey orders from local government and pubic health center

590 (35.2)

 Action 5: Decline a vaccination in any situation

2 (0.12)

 Action 6: Do not know (how to decide)

129 (7.70)

Independent thinkers (actions 2 and 3)

479 (28.6)

Others (actions 1, 4, 5, 6)

1196 (71.4)