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Table 1 Effects of habitual exercise on body weight and weight of adrenal glands and kidney at necropsy

From: Effect of habitual exercise on renal carcinogenesis by ferric nitrilotriacetate


Group II (n = 8)

Group IV (n = 8)

Group VI (n = 7)

BW (g)

372.5 ± 19.8

366.0 ± 19.6

350.0 ± 12.8a

Adrenal glands

 AW (mg)

40.0 ± 5.8

37.8 ± 3.7

45.9 ± 6.3a,bb

 AW/BW (mg/g)

0.108 ± 0.015

0.103 ± 0.012

0.132 ± 0.021aa,bb


 AW (g)

2.08 ± 0.17

2.14 ± 0.31

2.07 ± 0.14

 AW/BW (mg/g)

5.6 ± 0.3

5.9 ± 0.8

5.9 ± 0.4

  1. BW body weight, AW absolute weight
  2. ap < 0.05, aap < 0.01: significantly different from group II
  3. bbp < 0.01: significantly different from group IV