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Table 3 Baseline characteristics of the study subjects stratified by the quartiles of baPWV values

From: Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity is an independent predictor of incident hypertension in Japanese normotensive male subjects

Baseline characteristics

Quartile 1: ≤1,204 cm/s (n = 573)

Quartile 2: 1,205–1,288 cm/s (n = 569)

Quartile 3: 1,289–1,380 cm/s (n = 568)

Quartile 4: ≥1,381 cm/s (n = 568)

P for trend

Age, years (n)

44 ± 6

45 ± 6

47 ± 6

48 ± 6


Body mass index (kg/m2)

23.4 ± 2.6

23.5 ± 2.7

23.9 ± 2.9

23.8 ± 2.8


Smoking (yes) (n, %)

291 (50.7%)

294 (51.7%)

281 (49.5%)

298 (52.5%)


Alcohol (yes) (n, %)

404 (70.5%)

417 (73.3%)

392 (69.0%)

427 (75.2%)


Exercise (≥1/week) (n, %)

288 (50.2%)

250 (43.9%)

266 (46.8%)

231 (40.7%)


Diabetes mellitus (n, %)

1 (0.2%)

6 (1.1%)

10 (1.8%)

23 (4.0%)


Hyperlipidemia (n, %)

15 (2.6%)

13 (2.3%)

25 (4.4%)

35 (6.2%)


Family history of hypertension (n, %)

58 (10.1%)

87 (15.3%)

81 (14.3%)

91 (16.0%)


Heart rate (beats/min)

58 ± 8

60 ± 9

61 ± 10

65 ± 11


Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

110 ± 8

115 ± 8

118 ± 9

123 ± 8


Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)

69 ± 7

73 ± 7

75 ± 7

79 ± 6


LDL-cholesterol (mg/dL)

125 ± 31

125 ± 31

128 ± 30

128 ± 33


HDL-cholesterol (mg/dL)

57 ± 14

56 ± 14

56 ± 14

56 ± 14


Triglyceridea (mg/dL)

90 (66–130)

101 (70–150)

108 (76–151)

120 (84–167)


Glucose (mg/dL)

89 ± 10

92 ± 13

93 ± 14

99 ± 25


  1. Unless indicated otherwise, data are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation (SD)
  2. aTriglyceride is expressed as a median and interquartile range (IQR) due to its skewed distribution