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Table 1 Intervention program

From: Effectiveness of intervention for low back pain in female caregivers in nursing homes: a pilot trial based on multicenter randomization



Lecturea (30 min)

 Statistical data about low back pain


 Risk factors for low back pain in caregivers’ daily actions


 Biomechanical explanation of spinal structure


 Low back pain and medical treatment


 Recommendations for how to move in caregiving


 Recommended exercise



Main parts

Stretching exerciseb (60 min)

 1. Leaning forward

The lower back

 2. Holding a knee in the arms

Gluteus maximus

 3. Holding knee with trunk-twist

Lateral muscles of the hip

 4. Leaning forward with a single leg put forward

Back thigh and hamstring

 5. Ankle stretching

The Achilles’ tendon

 6. Jutting arms forward while crossing both hands

The upper back (especially around shoulder blade)

 7. Turning one’s face

Muscles around neck

 8. Leaning back slightly

Relaxing the muscles around the waist

  1. aThe lecturer was an orthopedist (clinical experience 20 years)
  2. bStretching instructions were given by two expert trainers (instructor experience over 7 years) based on the William and Mackenzie exercise system