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Table 6 Selected items in this study

From: Examination of useful items for the assessment of fall risk in the community-dwelling elderly Japanese population

Risk factors

Extracted factors



Symptoms of falling

Symptoms of falling


In the past year, have you felt like you might fall down? [Felt like falling in the preceding year]

Have you often stumbled? [Stumble]

Have you ever been told that you look like you might fall down? [Look like falling (third-party evaluation)]

Physical function

Fundamental function

Muscular strength

Are you strong enough to wring out a wet towel or cloth effectively? [Wringing out a wet towel]c

Can you carry a object weighing about 5 kg? [Carrying (about 5 kg)]

Lower limb strength

Can you jump about a 30 cm gap? [Jumping about a 30-cm ditch]

Balancing ability

Can you stand on one foot and put a sock on the other foot? [Standing on one foot to put on a sock]c

Can you stand on one foot about 5 s? [Standing with one foot (about 5 s)]

Walking ability

Can you walk continuously for about 1 km? [Walking 1 km]c

Do you usually use walking aids such as stick or walker? [Using walking aids]

Going and down stairs

Can you climb up stairs slowly without a handrail or wall for support? [Climbing up stairs slowly without a handrail or wall]

Changing and holding posture

Can you stand from a sitting posture (Seiza) with your hands on the floor? [Standing from sitting posture(Seiza) with hands on the floor]

Upper limb function

Can you button or unbutton a shirt quickly with both hands? [Buttoning or unbuttoning a shirts (quickly with hands)]

Advanced function

Muscular strength

Can you sit-up about 1–2 times? [Sit-up (1–2 times)]

Lower limb strength

Can you fold up and down a heavy futon? [Folding up and down a heavy futon (heavy futon)]

Balancing ability

Can you jump about a 50 cm gap? [Jumping a gap (about 50 cm)]

Can you stand on the bus or train without holding onto a hand strap or rail? [Standing on the bus or train (without holding onto a hand strap or rail)]

Walking ability

Can you balance on one foot with open eyes for 30 s or more? [One foot balance with open eyes (30 s or more)]

Can you run about 3–5 min? [Running (3–5 min)]

Going and down stairs

Can you walk about 60 min? [Walking (about 60 min)]

Changing and holding posture

Can you climb up stairs without a handrail and wall for support? [Climbing up stairs (without handrail and wall)]

Upper limb function

Can you stand from a sitting posture (Seiza) without using your hands? [Standing from sitting posture (Seiza) without hands)]

Can you button or unbutton a shirt with single hand? [Buttoning or unbuttoning a shirt (with single hand)]



Do you feel your length of stride decrease? [Short-stepped gait]

Do you feel your walking speed becoming slower? [Slow-walking speed]

Disease and physical symptoms

Dizziness and blackout


Do you ever feel lightheaded upon standing up? [Lightheadedness upon standing up]c

Do you ever feel dizzy upon standing up? [Feel dizzy upon standing up]



Are you taking any medications, daily? [Medication (daily)]c

Have you ever had a circulatory disease? [Circulatory disease]

Sight/hearing and cognition disorder

Cognition disorder

Do you feel forgetful these days? [Forgetfulness]

Hearing disorder

Can you hear well (people talking, etc.)? [Hearing disorder]c

Seeing disorder

Can you see well (newspaper, people’s faces, etc.)? [Seeing disorder]c

Cerebral vascular


Do you ever feel groggy? [Feel groggy]

Have you ever had a stroke? [Stroke]c

Arthritic and bone disease


Do you have an articular disorder (ankle, knee, hip joint)? [Articular disorder]c

Do you have osteoporosis? [Osteoporosis]

Circulatory disease


Have you ever had complications from a disease? [Complications from a disease]

Have you ever been diagnosed as having diabetes? [Diabetes]c


Surrounding environment


Are there slippery places in your house? [Slippery places]

Are there obstacles that may cause someone to stumble in your house? [Obstacle]



Do you wear sandals or slippers a lot every day? [Sandals or slippers]c

Do Your shoes fit your feet? [Shoes fit]

Behavior and Character



Do you often sit at home? [Sit at home]

Do you hardly ever have occasions to go out? [Go out on only rare occasions]

Risk behavior Aa


Do you have many occasions to go to the toilet at night? [Go to the toilet at night]

Do you act cautiously? [Act cautiously]

Fear of falling


Are you confident about not falling? [Confident about not falling]

Do you worry about falling? [Fear of falling]c

Risk behavior Bb


Do you often climb up the steep slope? [Climb up steep slope]

Do you often rush about? [Rush everywhere]

Fall experience


In the past year, have you slipped or stumbled and then fallen down? [Fall in the preceding year]c

  1. A comprehensive fall risk level can be obtained by combining symptoms of falling with fall experiments
  2. Items in square parenthesis are the short label of each item
  3. aThe factors of “Risk behavior A” are represented by going to the toilet at night and acting cautiously
  4. bThe factors of “Risk behavior B” are represented by climbing up steep slope and rush everywhere
  5. cItems used in the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology (TMIG) assessment chart