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Table 2 Characteristics associated with smoking in university students (n = 1205)

From: Cigarette smoking among university students in Greece: a comparison between medical and other students



n = 640 (%)

Current smokers

n = 565 (%)

Parental smoking

 Father smoker

301 (47.6)

288 (51.6)

 Mother smoker*

180 (29.1)

209 (38.3)

Family history of cancer related to smoking

26 (4.7)

24 (4.5)

Fiends smokers*

437 (69.7)

500 (89.4)

Knowledge/awareness of harmfulness*

622 (98)

524 (92.7)

Physical exercise*

 None or <2 h weekly

300 (49.7)

336 (59.6)

 Medium (3–7 h weekly)

208 (34.4)

181 (32.1)

 Heavy (more than 1 h daily)

96 (15.9)

47 (8.3)


81 (16.4)

286 (51)

Decrease of physical fitness*

76 (14.7)

385 (68.5)

Respiratory infections ≥2 times last year

48 (8.4)

68 (12.5)

Hospitalizations due to respiratory infections

11 (2)

17 (3.1)

  1. * p < 0.01