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Table 1 Individual characteristics of the study population

From: Cigarette smoking among university students in Greece: a comparison between medical and other students



n = 551


n = 654

Age [years, mean (SD)]*

20.98 (2.09)

20.35 (1.74)

Height [cm, mean (SD)]*

179.75 (9.93)

166.80 (5.58)

BMI (body mass index) [kg/m2, mean (SD)]*

23.99 (2.73)

20.57 (2.21)

Year of education [n (%)]*

 1st and 2nd

219 (39.8)

316 (48.3)


144 (26.1)

181 (27.7)

 4th and over

188 (34.1)

157 (24)

Physical exercise*

 Less than 2 h weekly

246 (44.6)

390 (59.6)

 3–7 h weekly

194 (35.2)

195 (29.8)

 More than 1 h daily

103 (18.7)

40 (6.1)

Smoking status [n (%)]*


272 (49.4)

368 (56.3)


279 (50.6)

286 (43.7)

 <10 cigarettes daily

78 (14.2)

106 (16.2)

 10–19 cigarettes daily

98 (17.8)

100 (15.3)

 ≥20 cigarettes daily

83 (15.1)

62 (9.5)

Age of starting smoking [years, n (%)]


16 (2.9)

17 (2.6)


57 (10.3)

58 (8.9)


110 (20)

106 (16.2)

  1. * p < 0.05