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Table 1 Basic characteristics of women experiencing an earthquake during pregnancy (n = 155)

From: Relationship between the Noto-Peninsula earthquake and maternal postnatal depression and child-rearing

Basic characteristics


Demographics and maternal factors


 Age (years), mean ± SD (range)

29.7 ± 4.7 (16–40)

 Marital status, n (%)


  Not married

1 (0.9)


116 (99.1)

 Birth history, n (%)



54 (42.2)


74 (57.8)

 Gestational age at earthquake exposure (weeks), mean ± SD (range)

15.8 ± 9.06 (0–38)

 Days after childbirth at participation, mean ± SD (range)

29.7 ± 11.2 (1–68)

 EPDS score, mean ± SD (range)

4.2 ± 4.2 (0–22)

 Trouble with infant care, n (%)



120 (79.5)


31 (20.5)

 Lactation (n, %)


  Maternal milk

84 (55.6)


53 (35.1)

  Artificial milk

14 (9.3)

 Satisfaction with delivery, mean ± SD (range)

70.5 ± 10.4 (41–90)

Earthquake-related factors


 House damage, n (%)



72 (64.3)


40 (35.7)

 Evacuation, n (%)



90 (70.9)


37 (29.1)

 Fear of the earthquake, n (%)


  Not very fearful

36 (30.8)

  Very fearful

81 (69.2)

 Anxiety about earthquakes, n (%)



121 (79.1)


32 (20.9)

  1. EPDS Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, SD standard deviation