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Table 2 Age-specific prevalence of ADHD symptoms in children from the parent and teacher surveys

From: Prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in preschool children: discrepancy between parent and teacher evaluations


Parent survey

Teacher survey

Prevalence ratio (95% CI) (parents/teachers)

4-year-old children (3 or 4 years olda)

742/2,080 (35.7%)

181/3,223 (5.6%)

6.4 (5.5–7.4)

5-year-old children (4 or 5 years olda)

811/2,577 (31.5%)

149/3,333 (4.5%)

7.0 (6.0–8.3)

6-year-old children (5 or 6 years olda)

796/2,909 (27.4%)

101/3,400 (3.0%)

9.2 (7.5–11.3)

  1. aAge is stratified by preschool year. The actual ages of the children in this group are given in parentheses