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Table 1 Number of subjects with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease according to sex

From: Prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children and relationship to metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and waist circumference


Subjects (n) aged 6–10 years with NAFLDb

Subjects (n) aged 11–15 years with NAFLDb

Cases (n) of NAFLD in total study cohortb


10/194 (5.2)

19/244 (7.8)

29/438 (6.6)


3/194 (1.5)

5/214 (2.3)

8/408 (2.0)


13/388 (3.4)

24/458 (5.2)

37/846 (4.4)

  1. NAFLD, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
  2. aSex differences in terms of presence of NAFLD was examined by the Mantel–Haentzel χ2 test (Yaetes correction, P = 0.003)
  3. bValues are given as the number of each group with NAFLD relative to the study population under consideration. The percentage of the subjects with NAFLD are given in parenthesis